Rare-earth ions doped into a crystal matrix offer excellent optical and coherence properties that make them an outstanding system for storing light at the quantum level. These solid-state quantum memories, operated at 3K in a He closed cycle cryostat, also benefit from the practical advantage of not requiring laser trapping and cooling. The large inhomogeneous broadening (about 10 GHz in Pr3+:YSO) can be leveraged in the atomic frequency comb (AFC) light storage protocol.
In our group we strive to push the performance of AFC Pr3+:YSO solid-state quantum memories to enable future quantum network links. Several main goals are being pursued:
- Generation of heralded entanglement between remote solid-state memories
- Development of memory-compatible narrowband SPDC sources
- High storage efficiency in cavity-enhanced quantum memories
- Increasing storage capacity via multiplexing (spatial mode, frequency, temporal mode)
- Fiber-integrated waveguide quantum memories
Selected publications
Efficient cavity-assisted storage of photonic qubits in a solid-state quantum memory
Stefano Duranti, Sören Wengerowsky, Leo Feldmann, Alessandro Seri, Bernardo Casabone, and Hugues de Riedmatten
Opt. Express 32, 26884-26895 (2024), article, arXiv
Transmission of light-matter entanglement over a metropolitan network
Jelena V. Rakonjac, Samuele Grandi, Sören Wengerowsky, Dario Lago-Rivera, Félicien Appas, Hugues de Riedmatten
Optica Quantum 1, 94-102 (2023), article, arXiv
Storage and analysis of light-matter entanglement in a fiber-integrated system
Jelena V Rakonjac, Giacomo Corrielli, Dario Lago-Rivera, Alessandro Seri, Margherita Mazzera, Samuele Grandi, Roberto Osellame and Hugues de Riedmatten
Sci. Adv. 8, eabn3919 (2022)
Telecom-heralded entanglement between multimode solid-state quantum memories
Dario Lago-Rivera, Samuele Grandi, Jelena V Rakonjac, Alessandro Seri and Hugues de Riedmatten
Nature 594, 37–40 (2021)
Entanglement between a telecom photon and an on-demand multimode solid-state quantum memory
Jelena V. Rakonjac, Dario Lago-Rivera, Alessandro Seri, Margherita Mazzera, Samuele Grandi, and Hugues de Riedmatten
Phys. Rev. Lett. 127, 210502 (2021)