Cold Atomic Ensembles

The cold atoms lab uses cold clouds of Rubidium-87 trapped atoms to develop efficient resources for quantum networks. Two experiments are currently running:

In the Rydberg experiment, a crossed dipole trap is used to confine a small atomic ensemble (<15 μm), where two-photon excitation (795 nm and 474 nm) address Rydberg states. The Rydberg blockade effect, arising from dipole-dipole interactions between Rydberg states, prevents multiple excitations within the cloud, resulting in the creation of a single collective Rydberg polariton. This highly nonlinear system, often referred to as a ‘superatom,’ behaves like a single-atom system while leveraging the collective properties of the ensemble. We use this efficient system to generate single photons and light-matter entanglement in a quasi-deterministic manner. Additionally, we exploit its nonlinearity to perform photon-photon quantum gates and generate cluster states. Currently, the system is being upgraded to couple it with a medium-finesse cavity.

The DLCZ experiment utilizes a large cloud of cold atoms held in a magneto-optical trap. Through off-resonant Raman scattering, we herald collective spin excitations that can later be read out as single photons, establishing a foundational element for quantum repeater schemes. A quantum frequency conversion setup shifts the 780 nm photons to the telecom band, enabling integration of this cold-atom system with the group’s other solid-state platforms. This system facilitates experiments on heralded single-photon generation, Bell-state creation, and entanglement swapping.

Selected publications

Near-unity indistinguishability of single photons emitted from dissimilar and independent atomic quantum nodes
Félix Hoffet, Jan Lowinski, Lukas Heller, Auxiliadora Padrón-Brito, and Hugues de Riedmatten
PRX Quantum 5, 030305 (2024), article, arXiv

Strongly Nonlinear Interaction between Nonclassical Light and a Blockaded Rydberg Atomic Ensemble
Jan Lowinski, Lukas Heller, Félix Hoffet, Auxiliadora Padrón-Brito, Klara Theophilo, and Hugues de Riedmatten
Phys. Rev. Lett. 132, 053001 (2024), article, arXiv

Raman storage of quasideterministic single photons generated by Rydberg collective excitations in a low-noise quantum memory
L Heller, J Lowinski, K Theophilo, A Padrón-Brito and H de Riedmatten
Phys. Rev. Applied 18, 024036 (2022)

Probing the indistinguishability of single photons generated by Rydberg atomic ensembles
Auxiliadora Padrón-Brito, Jan Lowinski, Pau Farrera, Klara Theophilo and Hugues de Riedmatten
Phys. Rev. Research 3, 033287 (2021)